There are many different types of leaf protection systems on the market. Some gutter guards come in the form of brush-like inserts. There is even a company named Gutterbrush. We have never seen a Gutterbrush system so we can not speak directly about them. We have however seen their reviews on Amazon which appeared to be in line with what customers have told us.

Inserts rarely work.

We recently discussed foam insert gutter guards. In this article we provide images like the one below of a gutter system that failed to provide any real protection. The “guard” needed to be cleaned out multiple times each year. What is the point of putting foam inserts in your gutter if they still need to be cleaned out multiple times each year? Here is a picture of the inserts going into the trash:


Gutter Brush Guards:

While we do not have any desire to speak negatively about anyone’s products, we can imagine that gutter brush systems are probably fantastic at catching pine needles, and maple tree seeds (those helicopter like seeds which are officially called samaras). The products sold online and at big box stores are cheaper but never nearly as good as a steel mesh gutter protection system.


For more information on how our products are superior at keeping gutters clean, please see out Gutterglove frequently asked questions page or contact us for a free estimate on Gutterglove