Often referred to as The Home of American Golf, Pinehurst, NC is home to several resorts, national land marks, and fourteen thousand golf enthusiasts.

If there’s one thing that nay golfer hates is having to miss tee time, which can happen when unexpected home emergencies arise. Waking up on a Saturday morning, expecting to hit the greens, but finding a flooded front yard after the previous evening’s rain storm is a golfers nightmare.

But there are steps that can be taken to prevent this type of scenario from happening. Flooded lawns are often the result of over flowing gutters. By keeping the gutters protected, leaves debris, and even errant gold balls won’t be able to block the path of draining rain water. In fact, Gutterglove uses a stainless steel micromesh so fin that even a human hair couldn’t pass through the holes. That means that the gutters stay clear and unobstructed, so water won’t spill over the edges where it’s not welcome.

When water does begin to spill, it causes a lot of different problems that can be costly and time consuming to repair. As water drains down the side of  home it soaks into the wall, damaging the paint or siding and promoting the growth of mold, mildew, and other microbes.

Over flowing rain water can disrupt any landscaping near by, washing away mulch and drowning smal plants and flowers. It can even loosen the soil near larger trees and bushes, making them more likelto to topple should a strong wind blow through.

Then, as it soaks into the ground, it can saturate the foundation of the house. Over time this can cause erosion, and in the colder months, when the water freezes and expands, it can cause significant cracking. Both of these issues can compromise the structural integrity of a home.

Not all soil absorbs water equally, and this is taken into consideration when planning a gutter system. Effort is taken to route the draining water to areas of the yard best suited to absorb the water. Should it spill into areas that are less suited for this, giant puddles may form in the middle of an otherwise attractive lawn.

By using Gutterglove, all of these problems can be easily avoided. And the money saved by not having to fix these issues can then be spent on a new set of clubs. If you’re interested in Gutterglove for your home, call us today. We’ll schedule a free consultation, and help develop the best gutter protection system for your home.