A lot of people ask us if rainwater can damage a home’s concrete foundation.

The answer is yes.

Unfortunately we have seen this on more than one occasion. It is not a scare tactic trying to convince you that you need gutter guards. You do not necessarily have to have gutter guards- what you need is functional gutters. Gutter guards just happen to keep your gutters and downspouts functional.

Related articles:

Water from Clogged Gutters and Downspouts Can Crack a Home’s Foundation – This article describes how clogged gutters lead to standing water around your home’s foundation.

How Standing Water Damages Cement Foundations – This article describes how standing water damages cement foundations.

Standing water in gutters also leads to other issues such as gutter trees, attic mold, and insect infestations.


Either get out there and clean those gutters or contact the professionals of Gutter Glove of North Carolina to put an end to gutter cleaning and foundation damage fears!