We hope you will enjoy this funny post on the top 5 reasons to not get gutter guards! In all seriousness, if you are indeed considering gutter guards you will be pleased to know that we have rave reviews and for offer a fantastic product.

You enjoy cleaning gutters.

There is nothing like hanging out on the roof and cleaning out gutters. Who needs a milk and honey hand massage when you can sink your fingers into rotten leaves and bird droppings.

You enjoy pests.

You’d go nuts without having a squirrel take over your gutter and wouldn’t be sure what to do with fewer mosquitos around your home. And, clogged downspouts that become infested with wasps just give you a buzz.

Foundation, shmoundation!

Standing water damages cement and cracks home foundations. It hasn’t happened yet, so obviously it never will, right?

You have lots of free time.

Who needs gutter guards when you’re already sitting around on the roof just checking clouds out most days anyways?

You like climbing ladders.

Most ladder falls happen at just 6-8’ off of the ground resulting in over half a million injuries each year. Almost half of these people end up in the ER and some die.